Fighting the Access Cold War: 5 Steps to Ramp (Maintenance) Peace & Harmony
Winter is no walk in the park. As a matter of fact, walking can be nothing short of an extreme sport. Now imagine pushing and pulling 400 pounds on wheels, on a decent, landing on icy pavement. Most of us say –no thanks; not our guys in the foodservice delivery trenches – this is their world throughout the Siberian winter.
We aim to keep you safe, secure and whistlin’ while you work. Take a few minutes this winter to do a performance check on your Randall Access Walkramps.
Check: Panel & Walk Surface. Check each individual panel and walk surface for any cracks or deformities. The Randall walk surface is a driver’s best friend and it needs to have all pistons firing.
Check: Multi-Directional Fasteners. Each panel is locked into place with six individual multi-directional fasteners. Check each fastener to ensure that it is tight, not missing or broken.
Check: Apron & Side Bracket. Each side bracket has seven individual fasteners; make sure each fastener is tight, not missing or broken. Make sure the apron is secure and not showing signs of wear and tear such as cracks or breaks.
Check: Safety Labels. Take a walk around the Randall Walkramp and ensure that all safety labels are in place, legible, not torn or faded.
Check: Toe Plate & Side Bracket. Just as you checked the apron side bracket – inspect your toe plate side bracket to ensure all fasteners are secure, not missing or broken. Check the toe plate for any signs of wear and tear. Check the ergonomic, hi-vis handles that they are secure and giving your hands something to hold on to.
Any questions – give us a call at 800-323-7424. Or, check out a few literature pieces to help you along the way – Preventative Maintenance and Label Guide.
Need a part or two? We can have that over to you in a matter days.
Stay Moving. Stay Confident. Stay Safe. #ACCESSCONFIDENCE this winter.